***This page provides Simplified Chinese and English.

0. 序言 Beginning

《个人网站最终用户许可协议》(以下简称“本协议”)是您与站长 Mirekintoc Void 之间关于使用该网站所提供之服务的法律协议。



The Personal Website EULA is a legal agreement between you and the website’s owner (Mirekintoc Void).

We do not require you to have “full capacity for civil rights” and “full capacity for civil conduct” (as stipulated by the laws of the People’s Republic of China), nor do we require minors to read and judge whether they agree to this agreement in the presence of their legal guardians. If you believe that you do not have the ability to independently read and judge the document, please also consciously seek reliable assistance from others to complete the reading and make a judgment. Once agreed, please ensure compliance with the agreement.

As a simple static website, we do not provide too many services, and we also understand that you do not like to read lengthy articles, so we have made this agreement as simple as possible.

1. 基本规定 Basic Regulations

  1. 我们允许任何人访问这个网站,但仅限于正常的方式,即直接或间接使用浏览器等工具访问指定的网址。

    We allow anyone to access this website, but only through normal means, such as directly or indirectly using tools such as browsers to access the specified website.

  2. 您可以修改并发布该网站,但请遵守必要的协议。对于文章,这通常是 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0。对于网站所引用的第三方内容,请遵守其对应的协议,可能是用户协议或者开源许可。

    You can modify and publish the website, but please comply with the necessary licenses. For articles, this is usually CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. For third-party content referenced by the website, please comply with its corresponding licenses, which may be user agreements or open source licenses.

  3. 您不得通过一切不正当的手段(即除向站长或可能存在的管理员申请以外的任何手段)更改原始网站的内容,也不得共用评论区。

    You are not allowed to change the content of the original website through any improper means (excluding applying to Mirekintoc Void or potential administrators), nor are you allowed to share the comments.

  4. 您不得以任何方式危害网站运行,包括但不限于 DDoS、劫持。

    You shall not harm the operation of the website in any way, including but not limited to DDoS and hijacking.

2. 社区规范 Community Norms


This chapter partially refers to the User Use Agreement of Bilibili Danmaku Network.

  1. 您不得发表违反规定的内容,包括:

    You are not allowed to publish content that violates regulations, including:

    1. 散布谣言,扰乱经济秩序和社会秩序的

      Spreading rumors and disrupting economic and social order

    2. 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪、引诱自杀的

      Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide, terror, or instigating crime or inducing suicide

    3. 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人名誉、隐私和其他合法权益的

      Insulting or slandering others, infringing on their reputation, privacy, and other legitimate rights and interests

    4. 宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义或者煽动实施恐怖活动、极端主义活动的

      Propaganda of terrorism, extremism, or incitement to carry out terrorist or extremist activities

    5. 宣扬邪教和封建迷信的

      Promoting cults and feudal superstitions

    6. 侵害未成年人合法权益或可能危害未成年人身心健康的

      Infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of minors or potential harm to their physical and mental health

    7. 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的

      Inciting ethnic hatred, discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity

    8. 其他行为或内容

      Other behaviors or contents that violate the laws and regulations of your region

  2. 我们有权限制或删除以下类型的内容:

    We can restrict or delete the following types of content:

    1. 使用夸张标题,内容与标题严重不符的

      Using exaggerated titles, where the content is significantly inconsistent with the title

    2. 炒作绯闻、丑闻、劣迹等的

      Hype up rumors, scandals, bad deeds, etc.

    3. 不当评述自然灾害、重大事故等灾难的

      Inappropriate evaluation of natural disasters, major accidents, and other disasters

    4. 带有性暗示、性挑逗等易使人产生性联想的

      Sexually suggestive, provocative, etc. that can easily evoke sexual associations

    5. 展现血腥、惊悚、残忍、自杀/自残等致人身心不适的

      Showcasing blood, horror, cruelty, suicide/self harm, and other causes of physical and mental discomfort

    6. 煽动人群歧视、地域歧视等的

      Inciting discrimination against groups, regions, etc.

    7. 宣扬低俗、庸俗、媚俗内容的

      Promoting vulgar, vulgar, and vulgar content

    8. 可能引发未成年人模仿不安全行为和违反社会公德行为、诱导未成年人不良嗜好等可能影响未成年人身心健康的

      May cause minors to imitate unsafe behavior, violate social ethics, induce unhealthy habits, and other behaviors that may affect the physical and mental health of minors

    9. 对网络生态造成不良影响的其他行为或内容

      Other behaviors or content that have a negative impact on the online ecosystem

  3. 除站长和指定的管理员具有管理的权限外,任何社区参与者均平等。

    Except for Mirekintoc Void and designated administrators has management permissions, all community participants are equal.

  4. 最终解释权归站长所有。如果您认为我们没有正确地处理您的评论,您可以联系站长或管理员进行申诉,但不能强迫执行。站长的决定权高于管理员。

    The final interpretation rights belong to Mirekintoc Void. If you believe that we have not processed your comment correctly, you can contact Mirekintoc Void or administrators to file a complaint, but you cannot force it to be enforced. The decision power of Mirekintoc Void is higher than that of the administrator.

3. 用户账号规定 User Account Regulations

  1. 本网站不直接提供用户账号注册和登录服务。

    This website does not directly provide user account registration and login services.

  2. 包括但不限于评论服务可能需要用户登录第三方账户,请遵守对应平台的规则。一切在由于本网站内违规使用第三方账号造成的损失本网站概不负责

    Including but not limited to comment service, users may need to log in to third-party accounts. Please comply with the rules of the corresponding platform. We are not responsible for any losses caused by the illegal use of third-party accounts on this website.
